Grass Seed
Chapon’s recommends these:
- Johnathan Green –Patented, Proven, Performance
- Pennsylvania State Mix–specifically made for Pennsylvania lawns
- Perennial Rye—cool-seasoned grass, germinates faster
- Sun & Shade — most versatile mix, stays green in harsh conditions
- Shade Mix—ideal for seeing around or under dense trees
- Best of Blues Mix—grows quicker, thicker, greener grass
- No Mow—low-water, low maintenance. Needs mowing only 1-2 times/year
(Note: No Mow may need to be ordered)
Spring Bulbs
Spring Bulbs in Stock
- tulip
- hyacinth
- daffodil
- crocus
- crocus saffron bulbs
- garlic
- onion sets
Fall Bulbs
Fall Bulbs in Stock
- dahlias
- iris
- lily
- elephant ears
- cannas
- garlic
- asparagus
- seed potatoes
- onion sets/plants